Ruthless! Audition Info

Show Logistics

Our Ruthless show dates are June 12th – 15th, 19th – 22nd, and 26th – 28th. Rehearsals will be three days a week in Ladysmith.

A full rehearsal schedule will be released after roles have been cast.

Character List

Sylvia St. Croix – Vocal Range: A3 – E5
A stylish woman of a certain age whose histrionic flair secures her a place alongside Mama Rose, Dolly Levi, and Mame as the fourth head carved into the Mount Rushmore of Theatrical Dames. A no-nonsense manager whose specialty is discovering, signing, and guiding the careers of extraordinarily talented children. Often played with a male in the role as a drag character.

Judy Denmark – Vocal Range: G3 – G5
A devoted wife and mother who floats effortlessly through life with a smile, whether doing housework, doting on her daughter, or taking a time-out to bake a cake. Though a woman with opinions on everything from how best to raise her child to preparing a well-balanced meal, she automatically defers to those around her, the result of her hallmark virtue: consummate politeness.

Tina Denmark – Vocal Range: F#3 – E5
An adorable and alarmingly talented little girl who sings and dances as though she were born to entertain. When not “on stage,” she’s charming, courteous and, unlike most eight-year- olds, she knows exactly what she wants to be before she grows up…a big-time Broadway star!

Miss Thorn – Vocal Range: Eb3 – Bb4
She’s convinced herself, after years of failing to make it as an actress in New York, that true fulfillment could be found not only in front of an audience, but in front of a classroom. Returning to her hometown to become a third-grade teacher, she takes a strictly professional approach to putting on the annual school show.

Louise Lerman (Act 1) / Eve (Act 2) – Vocal Range: F#3 – C#5
Louise is an ordinary fourth-grader who likes jumping rope and eating lunch.
Eve is an assistant to a Broadway star. Her behavior cycles from professional to erratic to downright bizarre. One minute she’s fiercely loyal, the next she’s imitating the star’s every move, clearly wanting to be her, not work for her. Her slipping into foreign accents would suggest she marches not to a different drummer, but to an entire drum corp.

Lita Encore – Vocal Range: Vocal Range: F#3 – A4
A boozy theatre critic who cracks wise, laughs at her own jokes, and can write a review so scathing she can close a Broadway musical in less than two paragraphs. She’s a loving and compassionate mother to Judy, whom she adopted and raised as her own child, but can’t resist making inappropriate jokes when engaged in a heart-to-heart talk with her, all in good fun, of course.

What to Expect at the Audition

A complete cast list will be announced by Monday, February 17th.

We begin rehearsals on Sunday, February 23rd 6pm – 9pm with a full read through of the script with all cast members.

  1. We ask that you come with your voice already warmed up and ready to go! You will be asked to sing your prepared character solo song based on the role you are auditioning for. You may be asked to sing another character’s solo piece as well if you indicated you are interested in more than one role.
  2. You can optionally sing an a cappella solo of a song that you feel shows the full range of
    your voice. If you’d like to do this, try to find a song that matches the energy of our show. Think jazz or broadway styles. 
  3. We may do a range check with you to see the full extent of your singing range.
  4. We’ll have you perform at least one of the sides from the show that will be provided to you in the audition package in advance.
  5. We tend to have some time at the end for any questions or concerns to be discussed.

Booking Your Audition

Auditions will be held on February 8th, 9th, 12th, and 13th at the Ladysmith Little Theatre (4985 Christie Road). Plesae fill out the form below to book your audition.

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Which role(s) would you like to audition for?
Which date would you like to audition?
Do you forsee any scheduling conflicts within the rehearsal and show period (February 23rd until June 28th)?
If yes, please specify the conflict in the questions/concerns area below.